Duality creates competition and adversity. Unity creates peace. How simple does it get!
When men are in unity, nothing is impossible. This fundamental reality was at the source of the Tower of Babel’s dispersion:
Genesis 11:5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. 6 And the LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.
7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. 9 Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
When man is in unity without Our Heavenly Father’s involvement, death and destruction will be the ultimate result. On the other hand, when they are in unity with Our Heavenly Father, life is perpetuated.
I have written over 700 blogs on Economics since October of 2007. I have pleaded with the reader to get out of debt, simplify their life, and develop a closer relationship with Our Heavenly Father. Why? The current path of the global economic system is going to inflict notable economic pain on a large portion of the population. Nobody wins in a major event of this nature. The desperate will target the wealthy in their rage. The wealthy will attempt to flee the chaos, hoping they have set aside the right assets to weather any economic storm. When an adverse economic event occurs, division (duality) will increase competition for resources. Emotions will guide many to be even more lawless than they were previously. Governments around the world know this and that is why they are passing laws, executive orders, etc. to prepare for whatever transpires during the Great Reset. If they didn’t think chaos was coming, they would not have taken steps to prepare for such an event.
What are you and I to do? Over the last 42 years, I have witnessed Our Heavenly Father in action on multiple fronts. Heaven has the only solution to man’s incompetence and greed. Technology won’t save us. Nobel Prize winners can’t lead us through the unknown. Only our Creator can navigate through the turmoil that lies ahead. This writing is not to scare you but to simply get you to open your eyes to the need to prepare spiritually. You cannot assume that the next decade is going to parallel the last few decades on the economic front. There are many economists that are outside the control of the governments warning us of the dire consequences of the current debt system. Economic historians show us the writing on the wall and it doesn’t look good. The global system is like the prodigal son “coming to the end of himself”. His plan ended up in disaster. Once he came to the end of himself, he turned back (repented) to his Father.
I believe in using experts to resolve my problems. I hire a CPA to do complex taxes, an electrician to run a circuit, and a plumber to install a hot water heater. Who is the expert on a global economic meltdown? There is only one- Our Heavenly Father. There is no one else… period.
There will be many to get “foxhole religion” when the time comes. They will be looking to those who are at peace and will want to know the key to that peace. Now is the time to move toward unity with Our Heavenly Father. Now is the time to remove any weight that hinders you from focusing on a closer relationship with Our Heavenly Father. Your goal should be to become “one” with Our Heavenly Father just as Jesus was and is. Spending time in your prayer closet will move you in the right direction. Only you can establish your priorities and allocate time and resources to this focus. Are you going to live your life in unity with Our Heavenly Father or in duality and competition among men? It is your choice and you will live with the consequences of that choice, and don’t shoot the messenger.