
You have choices.  It is your right and freedom to ask before selecting a choice.  However, Our Heavenly Father will provide HIS Wisdom from Above if you want it.  What is your track record of success in your choices?  Some have miserably failed.  Others appear to be lucky.  Yet others make just enough right choices to offset the bad.  How many bad choices did Jesus make?  I would say “zero”, yet He was subject to circumstances just like we are.  How was He able to make the right choices?  By seeking the Wisdom from Above.

There are many attributes of Wisdom.  In Kemper’s book “Raising the Remnant” ( , he provides excellent revelation on wisdom and many of its attributes.  Wisdom is the foundation, understanding makes up the walls.  What is the “end game” of his book?  It is to reveal, prepare, and instruct us to ultimately walk in Love, access Divine Intent, and be fruitful.  This is what Servias Ministries’ goal is as well.  The economic blogs on this website are written to reveal, prepare, instruct and protect us as we pursue the fullness of being mature sons and daughters of Our Heavenly  Father.

The prodigal son was given the choice of remaining with his Father or to go out and do his own thing.  He left the love of his Father and ended up with the pigs.  After he came to the end of himself, returned to the love of his Father.  He finally realized his mistake in the choice he made.  The revelation did not occur until he had spiraled down to the point he was eating with the swine.  Let’s look at the spiral:

1. He wanted to leave the instruction and service to his Father. (The older brother stated that he have been serving the Father for many years)

2. He asked for his inheritance to take with him.

3. He gathered together all his belongings, not expecting to return… ever.

4. He journeyed to a far country, a great distance from his Father: His ways, laws, values, blessings, fruitfulness, instruction, etc.

5. He was profligate in his spending. (carelessly and foolishly wasting money, materials, etc. : very wasteful)

6. He lost everything

7. A severe famine occurred in the land (of course)

8. He began to be in want (desperate)

9. He joined himself to a foreign citizen who put him to work feeding swine (unclean animals)

10. He was now willing to eat the pods he was feeding the swine.

When could he have returned to his Father?  At any time.  Why didn’t he return when he lost everything in #6?  Was his ego or misperception of his Father keeping him from returning?  Our egos have a subtle way of preventing us from seeking Wisdom from Above.  Our ego would blind us from such a simple act.  Let’s face it, our earthly wisdom is a poor substitute for the wisdom from Our Father.

It seems that the United States is following the same path as the prodigal son.  It would appear that we are at #5 as a nation.  That does not mean that every inhabitant must endure the same level of pain as those who are under judgment.  After all, the Father and the older brother were not hurting.

As this nation continues its profligate spending, it is determined to suffer a famine.  Those of us who are residing in the country need not be unprepared.  However, we must seek Wisdom from Above.  It is there for the asking:

James 1:5 NKJV – If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

This is what you should expect when you ask:

James 3:17  But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

There is no need to stay in the mud with the swine.

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