What Do Hammers Do?

They look for nails to beat down.  President Obama made a very public statement this week- He suggested that the financial markets should be concerned about the shutdown/debt-ceiling crisis.  This is a standard tactic of manipulation.  He wants to place the responsibility of losses in the stock market due to the government shutdown squarely on the shoulders of the opposition.  We are apolitical in our views because we believe that the Kingdom of GOD should be the final governmental authority.  Our Heavenly Father will install HIS manifested authority in due time.  In the meantime, I believe we are in a “bridge” or transition period that will surely be surrounded by volatility and chaos.  As John Williams puts it in his latest newsletter at www.shadowstats.com :

Instead of trying to promote orderly and stable markets, the Administration appears to have been playing an extraordinarily dangerous game, in recent days, trying to talk down the stock market, while counterbalancing some financial-market moves with intervention activity through the efforts of the President’s Working Group on the Markets (a.k.a. the “Plunge Protection Team”). “

It appears that the President has his hammer out, looking for nails in a field of landmines.

There is every reason to believe that we are outside the range of prior experience.  The current environment has never been experienced in human history, so we do not have a prior experience to refer for understanding.  The only reference we have is known as “Divine Intent”.  Dr. Vincent Speckhart thoroughly covers this topic  in his book: “Quantum and Non-Quantum States of The Lord Jesus Christ”, available at www.unity153.net

David Stockman, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget, compares this crisis to the one he dealt with in 1981 under President Reagan.  He states:

“It’s going to be catastrophic.  The market has bid up financial assets of all types, and if confidence is ever broken due to an unexpected event, a black swan, or a Lehman event, I think there will be massive selling.  There won’t be any bids, and the Fed will be hard-pressed to make a new rescue regime like it did in September of 2008.  After all, interest rates are already at zero, it can’t radically drop them like it did back then. “

Four years ago, the Federal Reserve was talking about “exit” strategies for the Quantitative Easing program.  Four years later, there is no exit in sight.  Further, they have pushed rates to zero without success.  What else is left?  More money printing?  It appears that extreme money printing is ahead.  Gold and silver will benefit if that happens.

Short term possible outcomes:  After much wrangling, kicking dirt, spitting, and name calling, there will be some compromise.  The stock market will soar to 16,000.  Suddenly, the market will figure out that the Affordable Healthcare Act will cause the middle class to quit spending money on consumption, simply to pay for the additional costs of premiums.  Why?  Based on my current understanding, your healthcare premium will be affected by your BMI.  Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women.  If you are placed in the “obese” category, you will pay more, even though you are healthy.  How many baby boomers will be classified as overweight?  Most of them.  You will be required to pay for your past eating habits, your genetics, and your exposure to environmental toxins.  Environmental toxins?  Yep, where do you think your body stores toxins you have been exposed to?  In your fat.  It is part of the mechanism to protect your heart.  Do you women have a hormone issue that has caused you to gain weight?  It affects your BMI… and your pocketbook soon.

The Affordable Healthcare Act may be the Black Swan in white swan clothing we have been expecting.  The unintended consequences of their actions may come home to roost.  If that happens, economic chaos will cause everyone to lose some weight.  I guess they will then claim success.  The average American’s BMI will be in the normal range.  To calculate your BMI, go to: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/BMI/bmicalc.htm

Pull out your running shoes, back away from the table, and fall in love with gluten-free, sugar-free foods.  Time is short!  And Ladies, get those hormones under control.  It may soon be federally mandated.  Men, beer is not a vegetable… sorry to pop your bubble.

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