If you have been reading Dr. Speckhart’s Book (Quantum and Non-Quantum States of The Lord Jesus Christ available at www.unity153.net) or watching our broadcasts on Ustream discussing the book with him, you have been exposed to the quantum and non-quantum states. Yes, this can get complex… but let me provide some simple truths that are contained in the book:
Non-Quantum state precedes the Quantum state. Divine Intent precedes the manifestation and work associated with that manifestation. Our Heavenly Father intended to create, then HE created. HE established a plan then set it into motion (work, energy, etc.).
Divine Intent is Love. There are no opposites to Love. There is no resistance in the Non-Quantum. However, there is resistance found in the Quantum state: good/bad, attract/repel, up/down, etc. We think of these relationships as “opposites”. Our mind wants to polarize everything and cannot grasp a situation where there is no polarity. That is a core issue with understanding “non-quantum”. That also relates to the reality that Love has no opposites. A lower level of love (conditional love) has opposites, but Agape Love (unconditional) has no opposite. The Creator has no true opposition to HIS creation. Any opposition we experience was also created by HIM and can be removed by HIM. The created is not greater than the Creator.
We were originated in the Non-Quantum state as part of HIS Divine Intent. Where can we find this in Scripture? Ponder:
Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Our Heavenly Father confirmed the existence of Jeremiah before he was formed in the womb. He was part of THE PLAN just as you and I are part of THE PLAN. As we seek HIM, HE will reveal HIS Divine Intent to us:
Proverbs 1:23 Turn at my rebuke; Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you.
“Turn at my rebuke” is wisdom. We must be correctable and teachable to receive HIS Spirit. HE will then make HIS words known to us, which is HIS Divine Intent. I believe this book was written by Intent for this particular time in history. Now is the time that we should understand the deeper aspects of HIM. For us to tap into HIS Divine Intent, we must “turn at HIS rebuke”. We must lay aside our previous assumptions and conclusions (doctrines) to allow this deeper understanding to come forth. Will HE allow any of us to operate in a power and authority without first lawfully exposing us to source of that power? We are not to be ignorant of HIS ways. HE discloses revelation before HE expects us to walk in the result. That is why understanding and knowledge follow wisdom. Finally, skill comes in order that we can walk in the power and authority in a proper and acceptable fashion, not consuming it on our selfish interests.
As always, if you cannot afford a copy of the book as with the other books we offer, we will give it to you. Write us at:
Servias Ministries
PO Box 1471
Bethany, OK 73008
Don’t let finances stand in the way of receiving a revelation.