The Hardness of Your Heart

Why do we need a court system?  It is because unconditional Love does not prevail in the hearts of men.  With some, phileō love, the conditional love resides in their hearts.  With most, fleshly love prevails.

If men are in unity, they don’t need a court to decide their differences.  They have wisdom which makes each of them teachable and correctible.  One or both lack the understanding and knowledge to resolve the difference.  By wisdom and understanding the difference is resolved.  They don’t need another man to settle the matter.  As a matter of fact, if they both walk in unconditional Love, a difference can hardly take place, if at all.

The hardness of men’s hearts prevents them from receiving wisdom and understanding.  Preceding wisdom is Love.  It prepares the heart for wisdom.  Moses was called to convey the Law to the children of Israel in the Wilderness.  Why?  They did not want to hear the voice of Our Heavenly Father.  They wanted a man to be their advocate, thus began the court system.  The need for 613 commandments and statutes arose because of the hardness of their hearts.  They could not receive wisdom from Above.  This “hardness” produces division.  Division promotes bitterness, envy, and strife.  When Love is gone, scarcity prevails.  This then causes men to try to take someone else’s resources through the court system, often by misrepresentation of the Truth.  At the family level, the hardness of the heart produces divorce.  If a husband and wife are not in unity, the process of separation proceeds and produces its own fruit, divorce.  Jesus had a “corrective” interview with the Pharisees:

Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

We must ask ourselves the following question, “Am I promoting unity or division?”.  Depending on your answer, there might need to be some “hardness” to deal with.

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