Syria: The stakes are high

This site is apolitical.  However, Biblical-based events must be a focus.  Damascus is a key city in Bible prophecy.  Any political showdowns where Syria is the point of conflict must be watched closely.  President Obama made a surprising decision this weekend.  He has solicited Congress approval to intervene in Syria.  Unlike previous interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the President does not want to make the sole decision.  Public opinion is not on his side.  Britain is not on his side.  Instead of proceeding alone, he wants safety in numbers.  The American network media does not report much of what the other side (Kings of the East) is saying about the situation.  It helps to hear what all parties are saying in the prophetic time period.  We are on the side of Our Heavenly Father as we watch events unfold.  Our emphasis is on walking in Love and focusing on Divine Intent.  This interview will give you perspective that many Europeans are probably being exposed to in their press:

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