Syria is the Tipping Point

For years, I wrote about the Peak Oil reality.  Matt Simmons wrote his book on the decline of global oil reserves and the fact that Saudi elephant fields were in decline.  These days, you don’t hear anything about the Saudis releasing surplus oil to lower the price.  Their greatest asset is in decline and they are trying desperately to hold on to their control of Middle East energy flow.

A petrodollar is a United States dollar earned by a country through the sale of its petroleum (oil) to another country.  This has been a foundational aspect of the U.S. Dollar as the world reserve currency.  All countries require energy to conduct business.  If you can control the method of payment, you virtually control the world.  The U.S. cut a deal with Saudi Arabia to base OPEC transactions in U.S. Dollars.  With this in effect, nations bought U.S. Government Bonds with their Dollars.  It was a perfect outlet for U.S. Debt.  They trade their physical assets for our paper.  What a great deal… for now.  Did we think the rest of the globe would passively submit to this arrangement indefinitely?

Natural gas is another great source of energy.  The problem with it is the transportation issue.  Oil is “compressed” energy versus natural gas thus a pipeline is the cheapest way to transport natural gas from its source to its consumer.  This is the core issue with Syria and why the U.S will surely attempt to gain control of this country, one way or another.  Look at this map:


If you look at countries with large natural gas deposits, Syria is the logical place to run a pipeline in order to tap into the European market.  Since we know greed is the root of all evil, we must conclude that a major conflict is at hand between the Western nations and the Kings of the East.  Cyprus was the clearinghouse for Russian international monetary flow and was nearly cut off in the recent Cyprus bank crisis.  The Russians were tipped off early and removed a lot of their cash before the “Bank Holiday”.  The Russians currently hold Europe “hostage” with the existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure to Europe.  If a new Western pipeline is constructed for European demand, the Russian revenue and economy start heading south.

Iraq wanted to move away from Petrodollars in 2001.  The U.S. went to war even though the weapons of mass destruction were never found.  Don’t mess with the system in place.  Libya tried to do the same thing.  Same result, the head of the country was removed.

Afghanistan holds a key pipeline route to China:


Notice the border to China on the far right edge.

Syria is key to the Kings of the East and a new payment system detached from the US Dollar and Western banks.  Syria is the pivot point to a Gold Trade Settlement arrangement that brings more importance to commodity backed currencies and proper valid systems for trade. This would bring the end to the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Syria represents the tipping point in a clash of East versus West.  Do you think the Western Central Planners are going to idly watch while their power erodes?

The destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17:1) and Jerusalem (Isaiah 29:1-6) may be at hand soon.  Syria is critical to the financial future of the U.S. financial system in its current state.  The stakes are high.  Don’t be surprised to see another atrocity reported which will sway the American Congress and public to support intervention.

In the Book of Judges, we find that large armies tend to self-destruct by Divine Intervention.  Confusion and illusion cause them to act illogically.  Greed tends to blind the aggressor and ultimately Our Heavenly Father will expose the lies and deception.  With all of the global issues coming to a head, surely our redemption draweth nigh.

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