There are many reasons for Our Heavenly Father to authorize the raising of a standard. Today, I will cover seven aspects.
A standard is an identifier. Each tribe had a standard representing their nature. This nature is part of the calling, setting an expectation.
Another aspect is the association of the members with their standard. The standard attracted those who were a part of that standard. There was no question of their intent or allegiance to the spirit of the standard.
The third aspect of the standard is a “call to action”. If you become associated with a standard, you are expected to defend whatever the standard represents.
Fourth, there is a full commitment required. It is one thing to act, it is another to sustain a resolute position in your belief of what that standard represents.
The fifth aspect is the testing of your gifts that are needed for use. You are expected to be fruitful while operating under the standard.
Sixth is the trial to determine the purity of your intent. Are you serving the standard for selfish reasons? What will the evidence show?
Last of all, the standard is a unifier. When those who are called to serve under the standard, come together in unity, there is a synergy that is greater than the sum of the parts.
A Banner is a standard, and HIS Banner over me is Love.