The Purpose of Fruit

The Cross is generally represented by two dimensions: height and width.  Those two dimensions represent two aspects of relationship: vertical and horizontal.  As Kemper Ditzler has stated many times- “Christians place all their focus on the vertical and no focus on the horizontal”.  In other words, we spend so much time focused on our relationship with Our Heavenly Father (the vertical), we spend no time on developing the relationships with mankind (the horizontal).  His book “Raising a Remnant” expands our view of purpose. ( to obtain his book)

Throughout the New Testament we are encouraged to produce good fruit.  Parables are written about producing this fruit.  We have prayed for 30, 60, and 100 fold return but what is the purpose of fruit?  It is to bring forth and perpetuate life.  It is to be consumed.  Good fruit promotes life whereas bad fruit or no fruit result in death.  Jesus was promoting life when He had the Disciples take communion.  His body and His blood were to provide life-giving nourishment to those who consumed it.  This food, once consumed, promoted life and nourishment to the recipient.

We are called to be productive and produce fruit to benefit mankind.  We are not called to do absolutely nothing while waiting for a future event to take place.  There is a tendency for people to bide their time while they wait for some prophetic event to take place.  During the time of Jesus, the church was waiting for a conquering king to deliver them from Roman rule and they missed the Messiah’s ministry of feeding the multitudes.  Jesus’ 3 1/2 year ministry focused on the horizontal, the vertical was already in place.  The Pentecostal church has been waiting for the “rapture” to occur.  And when it does, then they will …  Some with the Tabernacles revelation are waiting for the glorification, and when it happens, they will …  Some are waiting for the Iraqi Dinar to revalue, and when it does, then they will …  What are you waiting for?  Now is the time!  Inactivity produces nothing.

In the Parable of the Talents, Our LORD called ten servants to “occupy” until HIS return.  This means to carry on with business, to work, to be fruitful, to increase.  Those who did were rewarded, those who didn’t were judged.  Each of us must assess our own fruitfulness.  Am I being productive for the Kingdom or am I simply consuming someone else’s fruit and only focused on “my” relationship with Our Heavenly Father?  Am I promoting life in others?  Am I supporting fruit-producing activities?  Am I being an example of life to others?  Are people being drawn to me?  Have my relationships increased or decreased in recent years?  Am I investing in others?

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul prepares us for his chapter on Love by stating in verse 14: “For the body is not one member, but many.”  Each part of the body has a responsibility to the rest of the body: to provide its intended purpose.  Some of you are called to be “encouragers” so start encouraging.  Write a handwritten letter.  Go pick out a card that expresses what Our Heavenly Father wants you to say to that person.  Some of you are called to produce profit.  Invest some of it to the ministry of those who are furthering the Kingdom.  My wife and I do.  These actions are expressions of faith in what we hear Our Heavenly Father communicate in HIS Word and by HIS Voice.  We are to be blessings to others.  If you are only focused on the “vertical” you are missing half of the revelation of the Cross.

Ask yourself the question: What can I do today to help my brother or sister?  It’s time to produce some fruit and distribute it to the needs of others.  Read 1 Corinthians 12 and 13.  Do you still Love me?

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