Approved Lawlessness

When one country allows another country to spy on its population and continues to sign trade agreements, it approves the lawless acts of the spying country.  What it says in an ominous fashion is that the love of money is greater than international law and the country is desperate.  How long will the lawlessness prevail?  Only until the Remnant is prepared and fully matured.  At that point, Truth will fully expose the lawlessness.  Until then, expect more lawlessness to prevail.  Expect the illusion that all is well with the economy to continue until Truth shines on the illusion and reveals the deception that has blinded the populace.

Lawlessness will continue to be accepted by countries around the world until such a time that the blindness is removed.  Only Our Heavenly Father can remove the blindness of the masses.  HE will protect and raise up the Remnant as a means of preventing the full impact of judgment to come over the earth until then.  The Remnant is the merciful alternative to the full weight of the Law coming down on the widespread lawlessness that prevails today.  Love finds a way to minister life against all odds.  We should expect the unexpected for Our Heavenly Father’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts and HIS ways are higher than our ways.  Love will prevail!

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