The Love Perspective of Scripture

I have been a student of Scripture for over four decades and have studied various passages many times over the years.  I am always fascinated by the fresh revelation I receive after I have completed a particular level of training by Our Heavenly Father.

When you are first saved, you tend to view passages by HIS Grace and Mercy.  You are drawn to those passages that reinforce your revelation and experience.  As time passes, those Scriptures seem to have satisfied your need and you focus on other areas:  Healing, faith, types and shadows, numbers, meanings of names, etc.  All theses areas further enforce your path and direction toward understanding the fullness of your walk.  When you study The Law and see how it is interwoven throughout the New Testament you marvel at how the church could not see that the Law was not really done away with as was suggested at the pulpit.  This revelation confirms to you the Age, revelation, and incompleteness of Pentecost, first hand.  You see how men have interjected their own opinions under the premise of being in authority thus they must be correct in their belief.  About that time, you must leave the camp, whether figuratively or literally.

Something different happens when you focus on Our Heavenly Father’s Love.  You finally begin to understand Divine Intent and when that happens it is like getting the decipher code.  You begin to truly understand HIS ways versus HIS acts.  You now know that HE will ultimately provide you with revelation for the “why” when something negative seems to happen in Scripture or your life.  Now comes a higher level of understand along with the wisdom from Above.  True rest begins to replace the anxiety that comes with uncertainty in life.  No longer are you worried as before.  You quit trying to force your will on others but accept their tests and trials as a correcting process by Our Heavenly Father.

The study of Our Heavenly Father’s Love is a lifelong study.  It is now superimposed on every other study I enter into.  It is the frame of reference I relate all other revelations to.  Once you begin to know a person, you can then begin to know how they will respond in word and deed.  You begin to understand the intent behind their comments.  When you know a person’s heart and circumstance you can understand why they react they way they do.  By focusing on Love, you begin to understand “Why”.  You then pursue the fully lawful walk as ordained by Our Heavenly Father.  Your faith is purified in its intent.  The revelation you receive is designed to produce fruit, good fruit.  Your hope is genuine and seeks the best for others.  But still the greatest of all pursuits is Love.

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