Physical Assets without Liability

Gold continues to be a tale of two cities.  The paper market shows gold to be in a bear market whereas the physical market continues strong physical demand and indicates the strong bull market is still intact.  Central banks continue to increase their physical inventory of gold reserves.  If gold was out of favor as the mainstream financial media would have us believe, why are central banks dramatically increasing their positions?  They are not optimistic about the future of the U.S. Dollar as a reserve currency.  The Kings of the East continue to gain power in the global marketplace.  They are distancing themselves from the Western control that has exploited them for the last several decades.  China increased its reserves by 20% in the first quarter.

There has been much written about economic changes ahead.  Only Our Heavenly Father knows how all of this complexity will play out.  It is critical to pursue the wisdom from Above.  Our Heavenly Father has given us principles to live by.  The world system would have us throw away all the wisdom contained in Scripture and pursue man’s idea of wealth and safety.  The past financial bubbles are a testimony to man’s inability to preserve wealth.  There is no level playing field in the current financial infrastructure.  The financial markets favor the wealthy and well-connected as does the political environment.  Insiders exploit their positions with impunity.  Meanwhile the masses attempt to make ends meet with inflation eating up the weekly paycheck.

Proverbs 22:7  The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender’s slave. (NASB)

When you are focused on serving the lender, it surely is more challenging to be quiet and hear that still, small voice.

:9  He who is generous will be blessed, For he gives some of his food to the poor.

When you are not highly leveraged, you are able to meet others’ needs instead of serving your leveraged position.

When you possess physical gold and physical silver, you have voted against the current system of fractional banking.  When you pay off your debts, you have freed up your cash flow to respond to unexpected events.  When you remove the complexities, weights, and hindrances from your midst, you allow yourself to become more flexible and agile in responding to the Word of THE LORD.  Let not the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in prevent you from being fruitful for the Kingdom.

Gold and silver are “bridge” items between now and the fulfillment of the Kingdom.  These precious metals are useful for storing value until we no longer have use for them, the point at which the Kingdom has replaced the world system.  Our Heavenly Father established their characteristics and value among men.  There is no evidence that Adam had need of these metals prior to the fall.  Jesus was able to rally the required assets as the need arose.  He saw no need for precious metals other than to meet the obligations at hand.  When the Kingdom Economy comes forth, Our Heavenly Father will fully reveal the details of how exchange of value will work in a fully righteous system.  Until then, reduce your exposure to the current system’s snares.

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