Internationalization of Law

The current system uses division to perpetuate its greed.  Each country has its own laws and clearly is preferential to its citizens, or at least a subgroup of its citizenry.  Many of the western nations have at their foundation British Common Law.  One third of the world’s population (approximately 2.3 billion people) live in common law jurisdictions or in systems mixed with civil law. Particularly common law is in England where it originated in the Middle Ages.

By having unique jurisdictions, the privileged can use their wealth to circumvent local laws and exploit the system.  The Cayman Islands has been a tax haven for the rich in the past.  This injustice has caused some to pursue a “one world” government.  I agree, we need a “one world” government.  It is called a Theocracy based on our King of Kings, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bible Law is based on Love and it insures that the average man will not be exploited and provides a standard of Love which is above man’s carnal thinking.  It puts every inhabitant of the earth on equal footing.  It provides a fundamental guideline for the sanctity of human life.  It promotes peace and prosperity and simplifies issues so that it does not take an attorney to understand what is right in the eyes of the Law.

Our Heavenly Father whose ways are higher than ours placed the Law on earth as the population grew so that there would be a social standard to live by.  Men took the Law and added their own interpretation obviously to enrich themselves.  Our Heavenly Father then sent HIS Son to correct man’s understanding of the Law.  He then summed up the Law by specifically stating the Divine Intent behind the Law- Love.  Yes it is important to understand the 613 Commandments and Statutes but it is critical to understand the Divine Intent behind them.

If you are reading this, I suggest that Our Heavenly Father will use you in some fashion to establish HIS Kingdom.  You can start by being in unity with HIM.  We are to be HIS Amen people, HIS second witness on earth.  As each of us becomes immersed in HIS Love, we also take on HIS views of Law.  As more and more of us pursue Love, we will indeed establish a one world government.  It will consume all other governments.  It will be based on Love and righteousness, not greed and lawlessness.  Man’s law was never designed to survive the eons of time, Our Heavenly Father’s Law is and will.

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