Massive, Mind-Boggling Criminal Fraud & Legal Failure: A Crisis of Values

Columbia Economist Dr. Jeffrey Sachs speaks candidly

His statements include:  Settlements without much effect.  $602 Million fine and the CEO takes home a $1.4 Billion paycheck.  Massive bonuses, massive campaign contributions, massive fraud.  Upside, no downside for CEO’s who have Cayman Island ties.  He indicates corruption is independent of the political parties.

From a Biblical point of view.  What happened to “Truth in Love”?  Our focus is to promote lawfulness for all of mankind.  The Law must have Love at its primary foundation.  Dr. Sachs makes a convincing argument that massive corruption and the the complete failure of the U.S. Legal system is alienating other countries from the use of the U.S. Dollar-centric system.  The anger and vulnerability of other countries is coming to the surface.

Sachs ends with the “love of money” criticism of the Wall Street elite.  As you know, we are apolitical.  However, when an economist with impeccable credentials voices the same concerns about the current system lawlessness, we must allow his comments to be heard.  You must judge the veracity yourself.

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