The Assault on Gold (and Silver)

Yesterday, the central planners orchestrated a coordinated takedown of gold, silver, and related shares.  Why?  It is my belief that they are extremely concerned that the current system is crumbling and they must first and foremost manage “social order”.

If the current system was strong, would the Federal Reserve need to inject $85 Billion per month into the system?  No.

If the current system was strong, would the central banks of China, Russia, and others be stockpiling gold?  No.

If the current system was strong, would the $222 Trillion of unfunded liabilities in U.S. be of a concern?  No.

If the current system was strong, would overall unemployment in the U.S. be at 22%?  No.

If the current system was strong, would savings rates be at epic lows for this long?  No.

If the current system was strong, would the velocity of money be at a 50 year low?  No.

If it is this bad, why aren’t people outraged?  One of the primary reasons is that the world is so complex it is hard for the average person to comprehend an underlying weakness in a complex system.  I see this all the time in the world of Information Technology (IT).  Inexperienced decision-makers promote their theory without any history to back them up.  When the unexpected occurs, their decisions will typically cause their system to crash or at least slow way down.  If you can dumb down the population and have them focus on entertainment, then they will be unaware as the system around them crashes.

Independent reporting by the major networks has gone astray.  In the 1950’s and 1960’s you could be assured that the 6PM newshour would report relevant topics uncensored by “big money”.  Now the “big money” owns the media outlets and sanitizes the news to fit their agenda.

One aspect of the “love of money” or greed is the fear of financial loss.  If you own silver and gold and you purchased them at higher prices, your emotions kick in and convince you that the investment was not wise.  This is where courage must kick in.  In spite of everything your being told, is the system really that solid?  We only have to look back at history and see that those in power misled the masses in order to carry out their agenda.  How many financial bubbles must pop before you finally conclude that you must think for yourself and understand that the motives expressed in the mainstream media are only a facade?

Gold is the primary financial barometer of what lies ahead and the central planners know it.  They have a nearly unlimited checkbook to push down the price of gold.  On the other side are all of those people who have similar concerns in the fragility of the current financial system.  Russia and China are among them.  The U.S. Dollar continues to depreciate and sink similar to that of the Titanic.  Instead of taking action to survive the coming pain, most people are moving their deck chairs closer to the band.  What song would you like to hear next?

Heavenly Father, we need help!

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