What is Paper worth?

Paper (Fiat Currency) is being printed like there is no tomorrow.  Japan has entered the fray.  The Chinese are building aircraft carriers and accumulating gold, silver, and rare earth metals.  The sequester in Congress has stopped any view to the future.  What will happen?  Probably a crisis will arise whether real or manufactured.  In the meantime the precious metals appear to be at a screaming buy level.

Technical charts showing dramatic activity during off hours are a clear sign that somebody big is manipulating the market downward.  You must ask the question- Why would there be manipulation downward?  One can only conclude that they fear a sudden rise in the price of gold and silver.  Why?  It would alert the general market of the sustained devaluation of the U.S. Dollar.  In turn, that would have a major negative impact on the Dollar and create a run on the banks.  People would flee the Dollar and move to other currencies and to the precious metals.  It is all about protecting wealth.

The battle lines are actually hidden on the technical charts and only seasoned traders truly understand the endgame.  The rest of us must discern what is best for our own situation.  Most of all we must place our trust in Our Heavenly Father Who truly understands the ultimate endgame.

Live 24 hour Gold Chart

Gold get knocked down during the thinly traded hours, a classic move by the central planners.  At some point, people will no longer allow a small group of elitists to manipulate and plunder the wealth of the masses.  Our Heavenly Father will remove the blindness and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth by those who trusted and placed their faith in the riches of the world.

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