Luke 2:14 "Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased."
The angel and Heavenly hosts proclaimed the arrival of our Savior. Our Elder Brother was manifested in the flesh to become our example and our open door to Our Heavenly Father. His Ministry of 3 1/2 years impacted the world like no other. He confirmed His Word with signs following. His blood was the sacrifice, perfect and innocent. Peace finally arrived on earth.
How is the peace spread among men? By division? By quarreling over doctrine? No, by unity. What is the one unifying force among men? Love. The Apostles were willing to sacrifice themselves for the whole world. Are you?
The Faith Movement in the Pentecostal Age did not unify mankind. Thousands upon thousand of prophecies did not serve to unify mankind. Love, kindness, peace, and joy are the unifying attributes that will bring men together. No longer being moved by men’s selfish ambitions will bring us to a fullness of the revelation of Love sent from Heaven 2,000 years ago.
Love is the missing ingredient required to bring peace on earth. It was spoken by the angel 2,000 years ago thus the seed was planted. Jesus said that Israel would not bring forth the fruit at this time. We are called to manifest as Sons of GOD and bring forth the fullness of Love to the earth. I expect 2013 to bring forth confirming signs of fruit.
Merry Christmas!