It is believed that the gold of Germany held in the U.S. is gone due to leasing of their gold into the market. Movements of gold out of NY vaults were recorded until recently and those who monitored this movement are certain of this reality. At the time, lending gold seemed to be a way to generate revenue. Over 15,000 tons of gold were in play and sold into the market. Nobody in power wants an audit of official gold holdings. I wonder why?
3,400 tons of German gold are in question. Are the other countries’ gold still in storage? Who will have the final say? The scramble for physical gold will force prices to go up as countries begin to demand the return of their gold. Will there be trickery and scheming used to convince countries to leave their gold in NY? Physical possession of hard assets is the only guarantee that you have that your asset still truly exists in this day of creative accounting. China is quietly increasing its gold reserves and taking delivery of the physical metal. They don’t publicize the purchases in order to keep their costs lower. India has a history of gold accumulation. Are the Kings of the East making a subtle move?