The European Union based in Brussels is the forerunner of the One World Government promoted by those who think they are in power. The counterfeit always shows up before the genuine. The Kingdom of GOD is truly the only one world government that can thrive and survive. By creating a debt-based society and then strong-arming the populous who cannot pay off their debts, the bankers are wanting to take over with their money created out of thin air. Really?
The Federal Reserve is buying US Debt with money created out of nothing. People will look back fifty years from now and ask “What were they thinking?” When will the charade come to an end? When Our Heavenly Father opens the eyes of the populous and they no longer will tolerate counterfeit subjugation (forced submission to control by others).
EU leaders are holding leaders of the weak countries hostage. The average person has no say in who is placed on the ballot for political leadership positions. The elites will use force to keep subsets of the population in check. We can expect to see bloodshed in those European countries who are being forced to give up their sovereignty. Spain is on the cusp of being broken up and placed on a path of severe austerity with money created out of nothing. The power of persuasion is working its magic and people are being lulled into submitting to an illusion. Unbelievable!
The United States has increased its official debt by 33% in the last four years from $12 Trillion to $16 Trillion. John Williams of says that there is no way out of the coming hyper-inflationary cycle. We can expect the inflation to increase and our savings to lose substantial purchasing power. It would appear that there is a convergence of major global economic issues straight ahead in the next 24 to 36 months. We must continue to press in to our relationship with Our Heavenly Father. We must prepare ourselves for a change, no matter how it plays out. We will be called to be strong on behalf of our loved ones. Are you ready?