Walking In The Fear Of The LORD

Do you walk in The Fear of THE LORD?

How would you like for an angel of THE LORD to encamp around you?

King David recorded by The Holy Spirit in Psalm chapter 34:

7 The angel of YAHWEH stooped down to listen as I prayed, encircling me, empowering me, and showing me how to escape. He will do this for everyone who fears God.

8 Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God. Experience for yourself the joyous mercies He gives to all who turn to hide themselves in Him.

9 Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve been made Holy! For all who fear Him will feast with plenty.

10 Even the strong and the wealthy grow weak and hungry, but those who passionately pursue the Lord will never lack any good thing.

Are you in lack?  Take heed to the Words given to us by The Holy Spirit through King David.

11 Come, children of God, and listen to me. I’ll share the lesson I’ve learned of Fearing the Lord:

Are you willing to learn something that has rarely been taught by the church these days?

12-13 Do you want to live a long, good life, enjoying the beauty that fills each day? Then never speak a lie or allow wicked words to come from your mouth.

14 Keep turning your back on every sin, and make “peace” your life motto. Practice being at peace with everyone.

15 The Lord sees all we do; He watches over His friends day and night. His Godly ones receive the answers they seek whenever they cry out to Him.

Walking in the Fear of THE LORD is a daily reality for those who embrace the above Truth.  This walk does not guarantee that the adversary will not attempt to challenge you, but you will be walking in full protection of the angel of THE LORD.  You will escape from those who wish to harm you.

You will be blessed with FATHER’S resources of plenty.  As well, you will live a long life enjoying each day.  What a promise!

It is written by The Holy Spirit in Psalm chapter 111:

10 The Fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

Heeding this verse is essential if you want to achieve full maturing as a Son of Daughter of GOD!  We are now in the midst of a great movement of GOD and those who truly walk in the Fear of THE LORD will by HIS Vessels of Honor to initiate this move of The Holy Spirit throughout the earth. 

You can choose to participate or simply be an onlooker, it’s your choice.  In order to participate, you must embrace and walk in the Fear of THE LORD.  The Fear of THE LORD is the beginning of the final path toward full maturity.

Wisdom will give you access to the unlimited riches of Heaven, but first, you must embrace and walk in The Awe of GOD!

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