Judgment Based on Light

You and I will be judged according to the Light that is available to us!

In the end, all men will be without excuse.

Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 11:

20 Then Jesus began to openly denounce the cities where he had done most of His mighty miracles, because the people failed to turn away from sin and return to God.

21 He said, “How tragic it will be for the city of Korazin! And how horrible for the city of Bethsaida! For if the powerful miracles that I performed in Korazin and Bethsaida had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have humbled themselves and repented, and turned from their sins.

22 Tyre and Sidon will be better off on judgment day than you!

23 And Capernaum—do you really think you’ll be exalted because of the great miracles I have done there? No! You’ll be brought down to the depths of hell because of your rejection of Me. For if the miracles I worked in your streets were done in Sodom, it would still be standing today!

24 But I tell you, it will be more bearable for the region of Sodom in the day of judgment than it will be for you.”

Mankind will be unable to claim any excuse for rejecting GOD when their time of judgment arrives.  Ignorance is not an excuse.  Why?

Paul explains as he wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 2:

12 When people who have never been exposed to the laws of Moses commit sin, they will still perish for what they do. And those who are under the law of Moses and fail to obey it are condemned by the law.

13 For it’s not merely knowing the law that makes you right with God, but doing all that the law says that will cause God to pronounce you innocent.

14 For example, whenever people who don’t possess the law as their birthright commit sin, it still confirms that a “law” is present in their conscience. For when they instinctively do what the law requires, that becomes a “law” to govern them, even though they don’t have Mosaic law.

15 It demonstrates that the requirements of the law are woven into their hearts. They know what is right and wrong, for their conscience validates this “law” in their heart. Their thoughts correct them in one instance and commend them in another.

16 So this judgment will be revealed on the day when God, through Jesus the Messiah, judges the hidden secrets of people’s hearts. And their response to my Gospel will be the standard of judgment used in that day. 

Every man, woman, and child instinctively know what is right and wrong.  They can suppress this discernment and become hardened in their hearts, but that does not change what is present in their conscience.  Man cannot lie or cheat his way into Heaven for FATHER knows what is in his heart.

There is a greater measure of light available to us today than available to any previous generation.  The Gospel is virtually available around the world via technology and printed books.  Governments may try to suppress the Truth, but they will be unable to sustain any control they attempt to implement over the masses.

We will be judged according to the Light that’s been made available to us.  If you reject the ministry of The Holy Spirit in any area, you will be judged for that rejection.  This is why it is very important to place your trust in the leading of The Holy Spirit rather than in man.  Be humble and walk in the reverential Fear of THE LORD at all times.  Your Eternal future depends on it!

GOD’S standards to judgment for this generation will be the most severe because we had the most light.

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