Understanding The Ministries Of The Holy Spirit: Part 15

The Holy Spirit is our Personal Guide to lead us throughout life!

Jesus revealed this Truth when He spoke in John chapter 16:

12 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.

Why couldn’t Jesus share any more revelation with the disciples?  They were full of anxiety concerning His departure.  Here you have The Son of GOD Who is full of revelation, but cannot teach them anything else because of their fear and uncertainty about their future without Him.  He addresses their future:

13 However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all Truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you (prophetically of) things to come.

14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.

15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.

In other Words, everything that belongs to the Father belongs to Me—that’s why I say that the Divine Encourager will receive what is Mine and reveal it to you.

It is critical that we understand the ministry of The Holy Spirit Who was given to us and would never leave us or forsake us.  His ministry is essential for our walk as believers toward full maturity.  We are not meant to walk aimlessly and without purpose.  As we seek to be led by The Holy Spirit, He will direct us in all aspects of our life.

Jesus continued:

25 “I have spoken to you using figurative language, but the time is coming when I will no longer teach you with veiled speech, but I will teach you about the Father with your eyes unveiled.

As we are led by The Holy Spirit, our eyes will begin to see clearly what is going on in the spiritual realm.  This will allow us to navigate our walk through the challenges that we will face in the world.  We will walk in peace while the world is in turmoil.

Because The Holy Spirit speaks to us prophetically, we will alter our plans so that we will not be placed in a threatening situation.  My wife and I pray before a trip that The Holy Spirit directs us to the right place at the right time.  We no longer look at delays with impatience.  Instead, we view delays as protecting us from harm.

26 And I will not need to ask the Father on your behalf, for you’ll ask Him directly because of your new relationship with Me.

27 For the Father tenderly Loves you, because you Love Me and believe that I’ve come from God.

We now pray to Our Heavenly Father since we are Sons and Daughters.  We pray in Jesus’ Name to establish by what authority we can approach FATHER.  The Holy Spirit will guide our prayers in all Truth so that we no longer pray amiss.

28 I came to you sent from the Father’s Presence, and I entered into the created world, and now I will leave this world and return to the Father’s Side.”

Jesus revealed to us that He existed with FATHER prior to His ministry here on earth.  He agreed to His mission on earth so that we could be fully reconciled to FATHER as well as bringing forth the ministry of The Holy Spirit upon His departure.

What Jesus initiated is to be completed by The Holy Spirit.  Many yearn to have been a part of the earthly ministry of Jesus.  Would I trade a lifetime ministry of The Holy Spirit for 3 ½ years for being in the physical presence of Jesus? 

Ultimately, we will be in His Presence for eternity.  In the meantime, let us fully embrace the ministry of The Holy Spirit as we walk the earth.  Who better to guide us?

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