Judgment or Repentance

It is impossible for us to determine how long FATHER’S longsuffering lasts.

We are on the cusp of World War III.

We are at a major risk of economic collapse.

Suppression of free speech is occurring around the world.

Believers are increasingly being persecuted.

Major divisions among the citizenry are being promoted by those in control.

Artificial Intelligence is being developed to manage, manipulate, and control all aspects of life.

You can be assured that there will be a great shaking!

Jonathan Cahn produced the following video which compares today’s events to the time of Ahab and Jezebel.

Each of us should assess whether we are fulfilling what GOD has called us to do or have we simply compromised our walk to fit in with the current society’s values.

Will the nation be given another chance to repent or, are we entering into the time of judgment?  Either way, FATHER will protect the elect.

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