Hearing GOD’S Voice: Part 14

We are led by The Holy Spirit by focusing on the present, the Eternal now!

Many Christians either live in the past or future but not in the present where GOD’S Voice is speaking.  Those who focus on the future often seek out the next prophecy for their encouragement which is at the expense of the here and now.

Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 6:

33 “So above all, constantly seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.

34 Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.”

Our prayer today should include, “FATHER, what do YOU want me to do today?” and, “I pray that YOU lead me to the right place at the right time.”  Let Our Heavenly Father set our daily priorities, and HE will bring forth HIS provision for our lives.  HE will open doors, and HE will close doors as needed.

Am I saying that you should disregard true prophecy?  Absolutely not!  However, you should not focus on prophecy at the expense of today’s directives by The Holy Spirit.  HE will direct you to what prophetic Words apply to your walk.

Hearing GOD’S Voice is personal.  It involves a direct relationship with HIM.  Hearing HIS Voice is intangible, you cannot locate it at a particular location… you can hear HIM no matter where you are at.  As well, HE hears you even if you are in prison.  HE does not require you to be in a church building or some special private location.  Hearing HIS Voice is always present in time so we are to live in the present, the Eternal now where THE GREAT I AM resides!

Hearing GOD’S Voice produces faith.  This is of incalculable value to you and me.  Many people will seek faith without discovering the secret of walking in faith.  You achieve faith by hearing GOD’S Voice.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 10:

17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word (rhḗma) of Christ.

In other Words, faith, then, is birthed in a heart that responds to God’s Anointed Utterance of the Anointed One.

Faith does not come by reading.  Paul himself had to hear Jesus personally in order for a complete change in his walk from enemy to apostle.

The Greek word rhḗma (ῥῆμα) translates to “utterance” or “thing said”.  It is vital that we understand Romans 10:17 and its ramifications.  Reading the Bible (Logos) is essential, but faith is produced by rhḗma The Word.  Both will always agree with each other.  Moses had no written Word to determine his calling.  FATHER spoke to him with HIS rhḗma Word.  This produced faith for Moses to confront Pharaoh and lead the nation out of Egypt.

And in Hebrews chapter 11:

8 Faith motivated Abraham to obey God’s call and leave the familiar to discover the territory he was destined to inherit from God. So he left with only a promise and without even knowing ahead of time where he was going, Abraham stepped out in faith.

17 Faith operated powerfully in Abraham for when he was put to the test he offered up Isaac. Even though he received God’s promises of descendants, he was willing to offer up his only son!

18 For God had promised, “Through your son Isaac your lineage will carry on your name.”

Moses did not read this promise, he heard it directly from GOD’S Voice.

Logos is the total Mind, Counsel, and Eternal Purpose of GOD.  It is summed up in a Person as the Beloved Disciple wrote in John chapter 1:

1 In the beginning was the Word (logos), and the Word (logos) was with God, and the Word (logos) was God.

2 He was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made.

Jesus is the personified (Logos) and is the total Counsel and Purpose of GOD.  The Holy Spirit reveals the thoughts and purposes of Christ to us.  Without The Holy Spirit, we cannot understand the mysteries of GOD and implement His purposes on earth.  We must be able to hear His Voice in the present!

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