Pursuing Holiness- Part 65

As we walk in Holiness, we will testify of the Power of GOD unto salvation through the Good News of Jesus Christ and Him alone!

We are all called on preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our own testimony is helpful, but it will not save anyone.  Only the Gospel of Christ will bring forth salvation to sinners.  This is what His Life and ministry is all about, reconciling mankind to GOD.

Peter understood this proclamation as he ministered to Cornelius and his household.

Luke recorded by The Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 10:

33 So I (Cornelius) immediately sent my men to bring you here—and you were kind enough to come. And now, here we are, all of us in God’s Presence, anxious to hear the message that God has put into your heart to share with us.”

FATHER has a message for every lost person you and I encounter thus we need to be prepared to share the Message of The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The focus should be on Christ alone, not us.

34 Peter said, “Now I know for certain that God doesn’t show favoritism with people but treats everyone on the same basis.

35 It makes no difference what race of people one belongs to. If they show deep Reverence for God, and are committed to doing what’s right, they are acceptable before Him.

36 God sent His Word to the Jewish people first, announcing the wonderful news of hope and peace through Jesus, the Anointed One, the Lord of all.

37 You are well aware of all that began in Galilee and spread throughout the land of Israel immediately after John preached his message of baptism.

38 “Jesus of Nazareth was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit and with great power. He did wonderful things for others and Divinely healed all who were under the tyranny of the devil, for God had anointed Him.

39 We apostles were eyewitnesses to all the miracles that He performed throughout the land of Israel. Finally, in Jerusalem, He was crucified on a cross,

40 but God raised Him from the dead three days later, allowing Him to be seen openly.

41 He didn’t appear to everyone, but he appeared to us, His chosen witnesses. He actually ate and drank with us after He rose from the dead!

42 “Jesus ordered us to preach and warn the people that God had appointed him to be the judge of the living and the dead.

43 And not only us, but all of the prophets agree in their writings that everyone who believes in Him receives complete forgiveness of sins through the power of His Name.

44 Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to The Message.

Peter did not preach a lengthy treatise on the history of Israel.  Neither did he exalt himself by detailing the miracles he had already performed in Jesus’ Name.  He simply presented the Gospel of Christ and The Holy Spirit confirmed the Good News to Cornelius and his household.

It is good to give our testimonies, but don’t confuse our testimony with evangelism.  Our own testimonies are pre-evangelism. My life is not the Gospel, His Life is the Gospel and has the power unto salvation.

If you don’t include the cross, it is not evangelism.  Jesus was raised on the third day and was showed Himself openly to over 500 witnesses.  There is no one else who qualified in this manner to bring forth salvation to the world.  If the affirmation of the resurrection of Christ is absent from your testimony, it is not the True Gospel of Christ.

Peter wrote by The Holy Spirit in his Epistle, 2nd Peter chapter 1:

16 We were not retelling some masterfully crafted legend when we informed you of the power and appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we saw His magnificence and splendor unveiled before our very eyes.

17 Yes, Father God lavished upon Him radiant glory and honor when His Distinct Voice spoke out of the realm of majestic glory, endorsing Him with these Words: This is my cherished Son, marked by My Love. All My delight is found in Him!

18 And we ourselves heard that Voice resound from the Heavens while we were with Him on the Holy mountain.

19 And so we have been given the prophetic Word—the written message of the prophets, made more reliable and fully validated by the confirming Voice of God on the Mount of Transfiguration. And you will continue to do well if you stay focused on it. For this prophetic message is like a piercing light shining in a gloomy place until the dawning of a new day, when the Morning Star rises in your hearts.

20 You must understand this at the outset: Interpretation of Scriptural prophecy requires the Holy Spirit, for it does not originate from someone’s own imagination.

21 No true prophecy comes from human initiative but is inspired by the moving of the Holy Spirit upon those who spoke the message that came from God.

Peter, James, and John were all witnesses to the validation coming from GOD’S Voice.  Because I am a believer in Christ, I too have heard GOD’S Voice on various occasions.  The Holy Spirit has validated the Message by manifesting the anointing.  This is why a sinner cannot convince me that the power of the Gospel of Christ isn’t real… it is too late!  Our lives should testify of the Good News of Jesus Christ where people will want to know what causes us such great joy.

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