Daily Priorities

How to establish daily priorities!

David recorded by THE SPIRIT in Psalm chapter 5:

1  Listen, YAHWEH, to my passionate prayer! Can’t you hear my groaning?

2 Don’t you hear how I’m crying out to you? My King and my God, consider my every word, for I am calling out to you.

3 At each and every sunrise You will hear my voice as I prepare my sacrifice of prayer to you. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for Your Fire to fall upon my heart.

And it is recorded by THE SPIRIT in Isaiah chapter 33:

1  Woe to you, destroyer, you who have not been destroyed. Woe to you, traitor, you who have not been betrayed. When you have finished your work of destroying, you will be destroyed, and when you have completed your betrayal, you will be betrayed.

2 YAHWEH, be gracious to us, for we wait for You. Be our strength every morning and rescue us when troubles come.

3 The nations retreat at the sound of Your Roaring Voice. The nations scatter as you arise in your majesty.

4 Their spoil will be harvested, carried away like locusts that strip a field bare. And like leaping locusts, men will leap upon the spoils.

5 YAHWEH is high and lifted up; HE dwells on high! He lavished His justice and righteousness on Zion!

6 HE will be your constant source of stability in changing times, and out of His abundant Love He gives you the riches of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. Yes, the Fear of The Lord is the key to this treasure!

Each person’s true priorities are easily identified by daily activities and where his or her money is directed.  We are in the midst of challenging times and this year looks to be a pivotal year for mankind.  What is the best use of time?  I choose to spend the first hours of the day in prayer and study of The Word.  This has been a priority since 1990. 

A group of businessmen in the office building where I worked, assembled and prayed one hour before their daily business activities.  I was invited to participate.  In order to do so, it meant that I would have to get up at 5:00 AM each morning.  That was too early for me, but I told FATHER that if HE wanted to get me up, HE would need to intervene.  I would set the alarm for 5 AM, but every morning I was awakened at 4:55 AM.  I got the message!

Initially it was out of duty but then became my desire.  This was an indication of my maturing process.  I found peace every morning as I sought THE LORD and listened to HIM.

David sought THE LORD every morning and it established the Fear of The Lord in his life.  If it was good enough for David, it is good enough for me.

This time in the morning prepares me for whatever transpires throughout the day.  I find that I am less moved by unexpected events because I have placed my trust in THE LORD.

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