Walk In Gentleness

Pursue gentleness with others!

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:

22  But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is Divine Love in all Its varied expressions:

joy that overflows,

peace that subdues,

longsuffering (patience) that endures,

kindness in action,

a life full of virtue,

faith that prevails,

gentleness of heart,

and strength of spirit.

23 Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.

The Greek word for gentleness is chrestotes which means: one who is adaptable to others; a person with this trait seeks to become adaptable to the needs of those who are around him.  You want to be all things to all men.  Paul referred to this mindset when he wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians chapter 9:

19  Now, even though I am free from obligations to others, I joyfully make myself a servant to all in order to win as many converts as possible.

20 I became Jewish to the Jewish people in order to win them to the Messiah. I became like one under the law to gain the people who were stuck under the law, even though I myself am not under the law.

21 And to those who are without the Jewish laws, I became like them, as one without the Jewish laws, in order to win them, although I’m not outside the law of God but under the law of Christ.

22 I became “weak” to the weak to win the weak. I have adapted to the culture of every place I’ve gone so that I could more easily win people to Christ.

23 I’ve done all this so that I would become God’s partner for the sake of the Gospel.

When this fruit of THE SPIRIT is operating in your life, you are not demanding that everyone be like you.  You are looking to do what you can to reach those around you.

And in Galatians chapter 6, Paul further wrote:

1  My beloved friends, if you see a believer who is overtaken with a fault, the one who is in the Spirit should seek to restore him in the Spirit of gentleness. But keep watch over your own heart so that you won’t be tempted to exalt yourself over him.

2 Love empowers us to fulfill the law of the Anointed One as we carry each other’s troubles.

3 If you think you are somebody too important to stoop down to help another (when really you are not), you are living in deception.

We are to bear one another’s burdens when possible.  Jesus bore our burdens and we should do likewise.  For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

Paul also emphasized this walk in Ephesians chapter 4:

1  As a prisoner of the Lord, I plead with you to walk Holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your Divine calling.

2 With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous Love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience.

Walking in gentleness can challenge your soul when the person is trying your patience.  Don’t submit to their frame of mind but be quietly patient.

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