Collective Imagination

The Olympic Games just concluded with a program of virtual bliss.  At the end of the games everyone felt wonderful.  The flame went out and Brazil now prepares for the 2016 games.  Michael Phelps became the most decorated Olympian ever.  His commercial value will help fund his foundation for kids.  People will buy products and services with the subtle illusion that they will participate in some small way in his success.

Central planners use the collective imagination to sway the population in a certain direction.  They are able to promote regime changes, political power changes in “democracies”, and overall lifestyle preferences.  The global population is growing on an exponential basis but the fossil energy has reached its peak production.  Large financial institutions are deemed to be solvent only by accounting magic as the world focuses on the reunion of the Spice Girls in the closing ceremony.

There is nothing wrong with imagination unless you promote the illusions it paints versus the opposing reality we must all face.  The financial derivatives are still weapons of mass destruction, peak oil has caused my gasoline costs up, and the 2012 extreme heat will force my food costs up.  But look on the bright side,  I have 20 “likes” by others of the picture I posted on Facebook.  Now you tell me… what is most important?  The virtualization of relationships by using technology will further erode our ability to respond to the realities ahead.  Technology as a tool is a great enhancement to our quality of life but it does not replace the base need of face time we need as individuals.

A recent auto dealer commercial suggested that you could have up to $15,000 in negative equity in your current vehicle and would still be able to replace it with a new car.  The lure of a new car is an illusion that will surely not end well for the borrower.  Finance your education because you are assured of a higher paying job with a degree.  A $200,000 debt note for an art major just does not make sense.  Lowering interest rates so people can buy larger houses with greater insurance, taxes, and energy costs is such an injustice to their cashflow future.

Our Heavenly Father blinds the eyes of the population who have moved into judgment.  The lawlessness of the land is unbelievable.  Lying is sanctioned at all levels.  Financial institutions can enslave borrowers without any threat of punishment.  The Federal Reserve can lie about what they did since it is for the “greater good”.  Red lights at intersections are just a suggestion to stop.  Watch out!  Even going to a movie can be hazardous to your health.

What will happen when the Overcomers are given a full measure of the word of Knowledge?  Truth will sweep away the refuge of lies.  When the false gods are removed from the land with extreme prejudice there will be some pain and suffering.  The collective imagination will move toward a collective reality.  People will have to grow up and accept accountability for their lawless actions.  It could be ugly!

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