The following 21 minute video provides the reality of the Libor scandal. We have blogged about the underlying issues for years now. The scandal is causing the ugliness to surface and Former U.S. Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts explains the harsh reality- fraud will not be prosecuted at the highest levels. From a Biblical perspective, lawlessness will prevail until judgment comes. As the trust in the U.S. Dollar erodes further, people will seek out other investments to protect their wealth. Only Our Heavenly Father knows when this will accelerate and create a hyper-inflationary environment for the Dollar. New laws and Executive Orders have been put in place to combat the flight of wealth from America. You can now understand why. The risk of flight grows everyday and could create chaos once the average person really understands the brevity of the problem.
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people. NKJV