Who has been prosecuted for the 2008 financial meltdown debacle?
Who has been prosecuted for the MF Global missing money?
Do we need more regulation? No.
De we need more regulators? No.
Do we need enforcement of the existing regulations? Yes.
Does anybody care? Only those who lost money but by and large they have no power, authority, or ability to evoke judgment against the well-connected.
The core issue is the greed-based system that has declined to a system where the lawless are encouraged to break the law because they are deemed above of the law. If you have a trading account, how can you be sure that your money will be there tomorrow? You can’t. So, what is your net worth? You can’t be sure since you are basing it on pieces of paper that may not reflect the reality.
What in this current system can we count on?
What is the one economic system we CAN count on? A Theocracy based on Love!
In the following video, Max Keiser makes several points about the current monetary system. I cannot refute any of his points: