Kids In Need Update

Another Kids In Need Update:

As kids are coming in and many new students are showing up, we have had several that didn’t have school supplies. What a blessing to be able to hand a teacher a gift card (supplied by Servias) so that they could place a Target pick-up order and grab extra supplies for these kids!

I’m reminded about the importance of school to so many of our kids. Although most of our students had wonderful summers filled with vacations and days swimming at the pool, many of our students were in situations where their needs were unmet while they didn’t have the support of the school. One student went straight to his Villager this morning and began sharing with her about some extremely difficult circumstances this summer, including poor nutrition. His Villager asked for a Crest gift card and is going to stock him up with healthy food and protein drinks to send home this weekend and to keep in her room for him on school days. After a summer away from all of his friends and teachers, she was the one that he immediately sought out because he knew she was his safe space. What a gift!

We had another sibling set whose mom lost her home over the summer. One of them came in this morning with no school supplies- that need was met as soon as we realized it. Later in the day, she went to her Villager with a headache and not feeling well. She had some granola bars and gatorades ready to give. The student began to share that they don’t have much food at home and listed a few things that she really needed at home. Her Villager took a Crest card this afternoon and will be able to give the student each of those things tomorrow morning. Our pastor preached on sharing meals with others, and how that opens a door to share God’s love. One of the top things we use the gift cards on is snacks. It just made me think that while it may be a granola bar or a bag of Cheez-Its, it’s the equivalent of “breaking bread together” to these kids. So much trust has been established through something as simple as a snack.

God is doing big things in Bethany. There have been so many times that I hear a story or see something happening, and just think, “There He is! He’s at work!” I know He has always been present, but I have such a sense of anticipation about what’s in store for the community of Bethany this year. Servias Ministries is helping to make an immediate difference as well as an eternal difference in the lives of these kids….as well as the teachers. There’s something so special about being given the opportunity to be the hands and feel of Christ to these kids.

Thank you for all you do!

Your giving to help those in need is making a real difference in the live of the kids, their families, and the teachers as well.  Thank you for your continued support!

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