The Pursuit of Honesty

Jesus spoke the following when He was explaining the Parable of the Sower an:

Luke 8:15   But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep [it], and bring forth fruit with patience. KJV

Honesty in America is increasingly difficult to find.  There are those who admit they are dishonest and others who live in self-deception and rationalize away their dishonesty.  Do you make a commitment and then justify why you shouldn’t live up to your word by using the excuse that others are failing to fulfill their commitment?  Honest weights and measures are the foundation of a just society.  A gallon measure should not vary from state to state.  A dollar earned today should retain its value tomorrow.  Sanctioned depreciation of that dollar is dishonest.  Our Heavenly Father has compelled me to fix anything I know to be wrong with a vehicle before I sell it.  How many people follow that path?  How many people sell a vehicle in order to transfer a problem to an unsuspecting buyer?

Do you want to be fruitful for the Kingdom?  Be honest.  Self-deception will prevent you from fulfilling your covenant with Our Heavenly Father.  Do you think that HE has made provision for all the resources you need to fulfill your calling?  Absolutely!  Why do you think the provision is being withheld?  Could it be that you are not pursuing a life of honesty?  Would you place a dishonest person on your bank account as a signatory?  Absolutely not!   Would you become partners with a dishonest person?  No way!  Then how can you expect Our Heavenly Father to “wink” and look the other way when you are habitually dishonest?

To the pure all things are pure.  To the impure all things are impure.  Dishonest people assume that everyone else will deal dishonestly with them.  I believe that Our Heavenly Father will give discernment to the honest person to know when to walk away from a transaction.  Men can hide their motives from other men but Our Heavenly Father knows the hearts of all men.

Is your heart filled with honesty?  Is the intent behind your words reflect honesty?  The flesh in all its subtlety will move you away from fruitfulness for the Kingdom.  Honesty is motivated by Love.

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