Another Kids In Need Update

Our support continues throughout the summer as well!

I wanted to reach out last week was to share a letter that one of our Villagers received. She partnered with this student in 5th grade and 6th grade. She kept snacks in her room for him, and he stopped in every day. He gradually began to open up more and more to her and obviously found safety and support in her room. She was able to get him a new backpack when the straps on his broke during the year, she would often send food home with him to get him through the weekend. One time he came in and said, “You are always able to help me, and there’s something else I need. I really like to take baths, but we don’t have a plug for our drain.” The simplest thing, but she was able to get a drain stopper for him to be able to take baths at home! She felt like she was doing such small things, but as you can tell, the impact she had on him was huge. I’ve attached the letters he gave her on the last day of school. 

The following are two letters students wrote to those whom we assist:

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