Giving to the poor in secret promotes humility!
Jesus responds in Mark chapter 10:
17 As Jesus started on His way, a man came running up to Him. Kneeling down in front of Him, he cried out, “Good Teacher, what one thing am I required to do to gain Eternal life?”
18 Jesus responded, “Why do you call Me good? Only God is truly good.
19 You already know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give a false testimony, do not cheat, and honor your father and mother.’ ”
20 The man said to Jesus, “Teacher, I have carefully obeyed these laws since my youth.”
21 Jesus fixed His gaze upon the man, with tender Love, and said to him, “Yet there is still one thing in you lacking. Go, sell all that you have and give the money to the poor. Then all of your treasure will be in Heaven. After you’ve done this, come back and walk with Me.”
22 Completely shocked by Jesus’ answer, he turned and walked away very sad, for he was extremely rich.
23 Jesus looked at the faces of his disciples and said, “How hard it is for the wealthy to enter into God’s Kingdom realm.”
24 The disciples were startled when they heard this. But Jesus again said to them, “Children, it is next to impossible for those who trust in their riches to find their way into God’s Kingdom.
25 It is easier to stuff a rope through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy person to enter into God’s Kingdom.”
The rich man needed to be humbled so Jesus gave him the choice to show him what or who he really trusted in. If we humble ourselves, we allow FATHER to bless us AND others at the same time. We don’t hoard but rather we disburse as The Holy Spirit leads us. Some people have a financial ministry and are willing to support others on a consistent basis. These people understand the concept of “don’t eat your seed.”
Jesus also expressed this Truth in Luke chapter 6:
37 Jesus said, “Forsake the habit of criticizing and judging others, and you will not be criticized and judged in return. Don’t condemn others and you will not be condemned. Forgive over and over, and you will be forgiven over and over.
38 Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundant gifts will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! The measurement of your generosity becomes the measurement of your return.”
Consider what the rich man gave up when he hoarded his wealth versus being generous. FATHER has no problem in blessing us as we submit to HIM in all areas. Humbling ourselves includes our finances. FATHER expressed HIS position in Deuteronomy chapter 28:1-12 and hasn’t changed.
King David wrote by THE SPIRIT with a repentant heart in Psalm 51:
17 The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before You. You will not despise my tenderness as I bow down humbly at Your Feet.
Repentance from pride brings forth humility. Our mindset is drastically changed as we serve others without fanfare, including the poor.
If you take matters into your own hands, you will feel the pain of not being humbled. Yes, I speak from experience.
Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Hebrews chapter 12:
3 So consider carefully how Jesus faced such intense opposition from sinners who opposed their own souls, so that you won’t become worn down and cave in under life’s pressures.
4 After all, you have not yet reached the point of sweating blood in your opposition to sin.
5 And have you forgotten his encouraging Words spoken to you as his children? He said, “My child, don’t underestimate the value of the discipline and training of the Lord God, or get depressed when He has to correct you.
6 For the Lord’s training of your life is the evidence of His faithful Love. And when He draws you to Himself, it proves you are His delightful child.”
7 Fully embrace God’s correction as part of your training, for He is doing what any loving father does for his children. For who has ever heard of a child who never had to be corrected?
8 We all should welcome God’s discipline as the validation of authentic Sonship. For if we have never once endured His correction it only proves we are strangers and not Sons.
No pain, no gain!