Building a Spiritual Network versus a Social Network

Facebook, Linkedin, and other social networks provide Internet users the ability to share their social interests with others.  In some cases, it replaces face-to-face fellowship.  Taken to an extreme, the user will lose valuable social skills of reading the body language of others.  Social media should never be used to replace quality fellowship. is intended to become a Spiritual Network.  It is intended to become an infrastructure to link those who are called to establish the Kingdom of Our Heavenly Father on earth.  As more people make the commitment to become an “aspiring overcomer” the Kingdom database will grow.  Within this informational database we will develop a clearinghouse of skill sets and callings as well as tangible assets committed to the Kingdom.  As the need arises, we will be able to match resources to needs.  A Kingdom Infrastructure will result.

We need to be in one accord, in unity, of like mind.  Moreover we each need to be identified among the brethren so that we can pool our resources when a Kingdom project arises.  Many of us get frustrated when we are not walking in the fullness of our calling.  By coming forth in unity and becoming part of a community, opportunities to operate in our calling will come forth.

Now is the time to come forth in unity.  We have been in somewhat of an isolated state by design.  We each needed to mature in the various aspects of our gifts, callings, and resources.  Though geographically separated, we now have the ability to network together through the Internet.  We now can communicate our agreement with Our Heavenly Father and our brethren.

Is complete?  No, it is in its infancy but we expect it to develop as our community of overcomers develop.  Those who have a heart to serve will gladly become a part of the Kingdom Infrastructure.

Due to the sensitive nature of our personal data, we opted to use our own servers and build the network ourselves using world class servers.  We could have simply signed up on one of the social networks.  These networks are supported by programmers and staff we do not know.  More important, we do not know their motivation.  The social networks are designed and expected to create profit.  Facebook generates billions in advertising revenue.  They must “serve” the dollar, we must serve Our Heavenly Father.

To sign up:

1. go to

2. click on the button “To Learn More”

3. fill out the form and “Submit Request”

We will send a confirming email with your UserID and password to sign on to the site.  You will then enter your profile information that you want to share with us.  As our network grows, the site will add features to facilitate bringing forth the Kingdom.

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